Please note: Donations to "Friends Of Jane" are not tax-deductible.

June 1, 2019

As many of you may know, our talented and beautiful friend Jane Hanson has faced a challenging decade health-wise, beginning with a severe medical crisis in 2010, in which she experienced a brain infection, aphasia, and a neurological attack that revealed active lesions on her brain and spine. She was hospitalized for the duration of that summer, and was later diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Jane secured disability status, and has been making her way as best she can.

In 2017, Jane developed a minor infection, and was prescribed ciprofloxacin ("cipro"), which belongs to a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. She experienced an immediate negative reaction, which grew to encompass a cascade of symptoms typical of the condition known as fluoroquinolone (FQ) toxicity. Fluoroquinolone toxicity can cause permanent damage to DNA/mitochondria and the central nervous system – a dangerous situation for someone already suffering from M.S. Though her M.S. was in remission, cipro gave rise to almost fifty new symptoms, as diverse as insomnia, exploding head syndrome, rapid fifty-pound weight gain, depersonalization, and random muscle tears. In the wake of these symptoms, Jane has recently begun to experience a worsening of her M.S., which is terrifying to her after so many years of remission.

Though there are many sufferers of FQ toxicity, there are few doctors who are familiar with it, let alone able to treat it. After doggedly pursuing a solution for a year and a half, Jane finally found a physician capable of treating her condition. He advised a regimen of IV treatments, accompanied by a broad range of supplements. Jane completed four IV treatments in February of this year, at a cost of $550 each, and the supplements are an additional $1,200 expense per month. This medical crisis has been all-consuming -- intense research, consulting specialists, undergoing tests -- and in addition to suffering from the debilitating effects of FQ toxicity, Jane has gone into serious debt.

Jane did not want to ask anyone for help until she knew if the treatment would work. Thankfully, it does. After the February treatment, the brutal insomnia she had been experiencing for six months disappeared overnight - it felt like a miracle. But she is not out of the woods yet. She needs to stay on the supplement regimen, and she needs at least sixteen more IV treatments - seven hours a day, four consecutive days a week, for a month or longer. And there are other therapies that will come after that. It is daunting and scary, but for the first time in two years, Jane is feeling hopeful that she may make a reasonably full recovery.

Please help. Without our support and generosity, Jane will not be able to afford these treatments.

Click the Donate button above to contribute directly to the Friends of Jane PayPal account. Contributions can also be made to the "Friends of Jane Hanson" account at any Easthampton Savings Bank location, or mailed directly to Jane at her home address: Jane Hanson, 46 Allyn Street, Holyoke, MA 01040.

Many Thanks,

Friends of Jane


ORIGINAL BLOG POST from September 3, 2010

For our friend and beloved teacher, Jane Hanson, the onset came suddenly, a terrifying loss of her ability to speak and a disorientation in afternoon traffic. Her friend and colleague Jason Trotta helped her get to Cooley Dickinson Hospital, where she was admitted and diagnosed with viral encephalitis. A few weeks later, she was admitted to Baystate Medical Center, where she was treated with high-dose steroids for the inflammation in her brain.

For so many of us who are her friends and students, the news spread like ripples on water. Our teacher and friend would have to suspend all of her musical endeavors, while she takes the long road to recovery from this mysterious, debilitating illness. We have faith it is temporary. In the meantime, her savings have been exhausted and her income is on hold.

As anyone who knows her can testify, Jane is much more of a giver than a taker—but this time she really needs us. And, as her friends, we are asking for your help.

The idea of musical life in the Pioneer Valley with Jane “on-hold” is almost unimaginable. She is a multi-talented, deeply skilled, and widely-versed musician—a pianist, conductor, and a singer with an exceptionally lovely mezzo-soprano voice. In addition to her vocal performance workshops and classes as director of her company, Jane Hanson Productions, she has conducted performances of operas and musicals in the Valley, led the Keene (N.H.) Chorale for six seasons, sung in and conducted many performances of the Chamber Music Society at Wistariahurst, to name just a few.

Her impact on individuals in her classes and private voice studio has been just as great. She has helped scores of students to overcome technical and emotional inhibitions--in some cases physical injury--and then to go beyond that, to engage our whole selves, body and soul, in the joyful art of singing. For many of us, this has been a very special gift. Jane is a feisty, strong-minded, generous person who doesn’t back down from life, and she won’t let YOU do so either. The idea of her being house-bound is really, really wrong, but it is what she needs to do to marshal her forces and recover.

She has health insurance, but additional, uncovered medical expenses mount, as do the expenses of keeping and maintaining her house in Holyoke. She is a single mother, with a bright and beautiful 10 year old boy, Xavier, and anyone who knows her knows her total dedication and love for him, and the closeness of their bond. Jane’s brother, Alex, and his wife, Cristen, faithfully cared for Xavier at their home in Vermont this summer. They have done so much to support Jane, but their resources are limited, and so it will take all of us to help her through this. She may be out of work for as long as a year. She has arranged for her classes and workshops to be carried on, so that Jane Hanson Productions will continue, but any income from these now goes to hiring faculty to carry on those programs.

Jane has to spend much of the day lying down, but her spirit is upright as she talks about the outpouring of love and kindness she has already received. She proudly points to the scores of cards – “I call it my card garden, a garden I don’t have to water,” she says—from those who miss her and wish her well. She expresses her gratitude often and openly to the friends who have helped her through this crisis. Recovery will take time. Please consider making a contribution to The Friends of Jane Fund through this safe and secure website.

THANK YOU – Jason Trotta, Laura Jenkins, Evelyn Harris, David Perkins, Betty Forrest, Pamela Smith, Stephen Biegner, & Janet Egelston

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Dear Friends,

Some time has passed since our last update, and we know that you have been wondering what's been going on with Jane.

For those of you who aren't yet aware, Jane traveled to Boston in November to have an MRI and see a new neurologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital. It was a fruitful visit in that she finally received a definitive diagnosis. She has Multiple Sclerosis, or MS; more specifically, relapsing/remitting MS. It is unknown whether the viral encephalitis from this past spring triggered the disease, or vice versa.

This diagnosis is, of course, very difficult news for Jane, since this is a chronic condition with no cure and this means that the road ahead will be rocky at times. However, there are some positive aspects. First, it is a relief to finally have a name and explanation for all the strange and unsettling symptoms she has been suffering from. Secondly, this form of MS can be mild for some, and there is good cause to hope for effective treatment and eventual return to her productive, creative life and all of her musical endeavors. Thirdly, Jane is now connected with the best doctors and facility in Boston and has been able to begin treatment. For all these things, we are grateful.

Jane is now in a period of further testing, rehabilitation, and healing. While it is encouraging to see her looking a little stronger and getting out and about a little bit more, we must remember that she is still struggling and in need of our help. 

Jane is still unable to work, and does not yet know when she will be able to return to her livelihood. Thankfully, Jane is now receiving disability payments which are helping her pay most of her most basic expenses, but not all. There are still many things she cannot afford that would make a great difference to her and her son.

How you can help:

1. TIME & TALENT:  You or someone close to you may be able to provide a service that Jane desperately needs but cannot currently afford. Here are some of the things that would be helpful.  To volunteer your time or skill, please contact Jane by phone at (413) 626-2343.
  • Roof repair (several asphalt shingles blew off her roof last week)
  • Trash removal (half a garage-full)
  • Bookkeeping and/or tax preparation
  • Legal assistance 
  • Housecleaning
  • Wood & Brush Removal (Jane had to have two trees cut down, both Spruce)
  • Heating System maintenance (burner cleaning)
  • Home pest inspection
  • Front walkway repair (a Spring re-paving job. Frost heaves are pushing up the pavers and making it difficult to open or close her front gate)
  • Lawn/shrub care (Spring/summer)
  • Piano tuning and maintenance
  • General handyman jobs
  • Snow removal
  • Haircuts
  • Flooring replacement (damage from a leaking toilet ruined her bathroom and kitchen floors)
  • Fence repair and gate installation (chain link fence)
  • Gutter Cleaning
  • Providing transportation, childcare and meals: coordinated through the Lotsa Helping Hands website. Click on this link to become a member of this online community organized to help Jane:
2. GIFT CARDS from Amazon (, Stop & Shop (, or the Northampton Chamber of Commerce ( can be used to purchase much of what Jane needs.  Gift cards can be sent directly to Jane at her home: 46 Allyn Street, Holyoke, MA 01040.

3. FINANCIAL DONATIONS: The donation page on this website is still active, and any financial contributions you can make to Jane are still vitally important and greatly appreciated. Personal checks can also be sent directly to Jane at her home: 46 Allyn Street, Holyoke, MA 01040.

Thank you all for your continued support of Jane through this painful ordeal -- she is constantly giving thanks to have such a caring community of friends, colleagues and students. We are all eager to see her back in action, and are confident, with time and proper treatment, she will grow steadily stronger and more productive. Jane is hoping to know by April whether or not she will be able to return to work this summer and/or fall, which is exciting to think about, but premature to speculate upon. Until then, we can only offer assistance when we can and hope she will continue making progress. 

Good wishes and much appreciation to all of you.
Jason Trotta & Friends of Jane

Saturday, October 23, 2010

VIDEO: "Voices For Jane" Community Choir

Those of you who were unable to attend the concerts on Sunday can catch a glimpse right here. This video features the "Voices For Jane" Community Choir performing "Imagine" by John Lennon, conducted by John Cavicchia, accompanied by Dick Matteson. Enjoy.

Monday, October 18, 2010

"Voices For Jane" raised an additional $4,000!

"Voices For Jane" was a great success, raising an additional $4,000 for the "Friends Of Jane" Fund! On behalf of all of the organizers of this event, I want to thank the musicians, sponsors and volunteers who together created a truly inspired event. I am so proud of all of you and so grateful to have been a part of such a rewarding experience.

Jason Trotta

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Big Event!

Hello everyone. As you probably know, the benefit concerts for Jane are scheduled for Sunday, October 17 at 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM at First Churches in Northampton. Many of you have asked how you can help.

The absolute best thing you can do to support this event is to attend, to bring a group of friends with you, and to tell everyone you know about it. It is not only going to raise much needed support for our friend Jane, but it is THE event of the season! More than 30 of the Pioneer Valley's finest musicians have joined forces to create a musical event that can't be missed!

Okay, okay... you want to know how else you can help...

You can come this Wednesday, September 29 at 5:30 pm to the Northampton Community Music Center, 139 South Street, Northampton, MA. We will give you the complete low-down and will have sign-up sheets ready for all of the different tasks that must be addressed to make this benefit the most successful it can be.

Also, if you are a singer or voice student of Jane's, I encourage you to join the "Voices For Jane" Community Chorus, which will perform an arrangement of John Lennon's "Imagine" at both concerts. There will be two rehearsals on Friday, Oct 8 and Friday, Oct 15, from 5:15 to 6:30 PM. Just bring your voice and a readiness to raise the roof! (If you plan to sing in the concerts, please attend BOTH rehearsals.)

Our wonderful Ryn Gluckman finished designing the event poster today. It looks terrific! We will begin distributing them next week and will have plenty on hand at Wednesday's volunteer meeting.

Keep spreading the word! See you all soon!

Warm regards,


Friday, September 3, 2010


Welcome to the new fundraising page for Jane Hanson. This blogging site will allow you to both make contributions to Jane via the secure Paypal "donate" button at the top of this page and write messages of encouragement that Jane can read while she is recovering at home.

We want to thank everyone who made a contribution using our GiveForward fundraising page. We were ultimately dissatisfied with the controls and unaddressed bugs, and are much happier with this site. I am pleased to report that these initial gifts totaled $1,780, a wonderful beginning for this campaign. Those of you who used the GiveForward page can rest assured that your contributions are on their way to Jane.

We hope that everyone will now share this new web site address with friends and family, on Facebook and beyond, so that we can forge ahead and continue to make a real difference in Jane's life at this time.

As always, Jane sends her heartfelt gratitude and affection to all of you who have shown such kindness these past few months. Know that all you say and do makes a tremendous difference.

Thank you.

Jason Trotta
Site Administrator

